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Jilin e-commerce training fee

Release time: 2023-02-07 02:08:26
Jilin e-commerce training fee

Jilin e-commerce training fee

To train graphic design professionals as the goal。Through the systematic study of the major,Students can master the relevant design principles, Photoshop software, CorelDRAW vector software, Illustrator vector software graphic drawing technology in a short period of time;And graphic design material knowledge, operation process, module training, simulation and customer communication and other practical courses。Theory of graphic design: 1. Principle of graphic design;2.The qualities of graphic designers;3.Print advertising creativity;4.The way of thinking of print advertising creativity 5.The expression of print advertising creativity 6.Different styles of learning 7.Attributes and characteristics of graphic design in different industries 8.Modular training theory

Jilin e-commerce training fee

Jilin e-commerce training fee

Through the expression of color, texture and artistic depiction to achieve the real effect of the product。The importance of charts is to convey the right information。Correctly let people understand the various characteristics of the new product and the effect produced in a certain environment。It is easy for all kinds of personnel to read and understand。However, the perspective used to represent what the human eye sees is different from what the eye sees。Modern product market competition is very fierce, there are good ideas and inventions, must use some way to express, shorten the product development cycle。Whether it is an independent design, or to promote your design, in the face of customers to promote design ideas, you must advise each other, the customer's suggestions immediately recorded or graphically expressed。Quick drawing skills become very important。

Jilin e-commerce training fee

Jilin e-commerce training fee

The contact between graphic art and readers is limited to a limited space, which requires the layout to be simple and concise。The past kind of cramming, complex layout form, has long been forgotten by people。In fact, it emphasizes simplicity and conciseness, not monotonous and simple, but concentrated processing of information, refined performance of content, based on novel and unique artistic ideas。Therefore, the single purification of the layout includes the planning and refining of the content of the appeal, and also includes the layout composition skills。Layout structure is the bridge of information dissemination, and the form it pursues must be consistent with the ideological content of the theme, which is the basis of layout structure。Just talk about the expression and ignore the content, or only seek the content, the lack of artistic expression, typesetting is not successful。

Jilin e-commerce training fee

Jilin e-commerce training fee

The basic skill of graphic design is the study and skilled application of graphic design software, if you do not know the software of graphic design, everything is a white talk, do not know the software of graphic design, just like can not use the brush can not become a calligrapher, do not know the word can not become a writer。Graphic design commonly used software include Photoshop, CorelDraw, Illustrator, InDesign and so on。Photoshop is a powerful, widely used and excellent bitmap image processing software launched by Adobe, which has always occupied the leader position of image processing software and is a must-use software for graphic design, widely involving images, graphics, text, video, publishing and other aspects。

Jilin e-commerce training fee

Jilin e-commerce training fee

"Adjustment" means that during the design and production process, it is adjusted at any time according to the actual situation。Under the guidance of the principle of aesthetics, adjustment is a process of adding and deleting modeling elements, changing the size and proportion of each part, and finally achieving the desired effect。The adjustment process continues throughout production。The process of graphic design is a progressive process of continuous improvement with planned steps, and the success of the design largely depends on whether the concept is accurate and whether it is considered perfect。The beauty of design is endless, and perfection depends on attitude。In design, the basic elements are equivalent to the building blocks of your work, and each element must have the purpose of conveying and strengthening the transmission of information。

Jilin e-commerce training fee

Jilin e-commerce training fee

Enterprise visual communication resources to achieve the ideal brand communication effect。Advertising design refers to the intermediate process from idea to production。Advertising design is the combination of advertising theme, creativity, language, image, foil and other five elements。In order to achieve the purpose of attracting attention, the goal of advertising design is through advertising。Posters are an art of spreading information and a propaganda tool for mass communication。Posters are also called posters。Posted on the streets,Attract the attention of passers-by with its striking pictures,Poster design must have considerable appeal and artistic appeal,To play the image, color, composition, modeling and other elements to form a strong visual effect,The picture should have a strong visual center,Strive for novelty and simplicity,It also has unique artistic style and design characteristics。